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  • Writer's pictureZoran Pešić

Person-organization fit vs Person-job fit (Blog)

Findings support the opinion that person-job fit has a stronger influence than person-organization fit in three stages of recruitment: when job seekers made the decision about submitting an application, when maintaining of applicant status and when candidate accept the job offer. A possible explanation for this result is due to the main objective of each recruitment stage. For example, most job seekers may not possess enough information to decide which job and organization would be the best fit at the initial recruitment stage. In the first stage, candidates are more focused on the job, assessing whether a match exists between their knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (hereinafter: KSAOs), and the job description. From the organization’s perspective, they are using the resume to do an initial screening as the main task at this stage to check if there is a match between the expected KSAOs listed in the job description and the applicant’s resume. Although at this stage PJ fit has a stronger influence than PO fi when both perceptions were considered concurrently in this study, the findings suggested that PJ fit did not have a stronger influence than PO fit during the second stage (maintaining of applicant status after the interview) when PO fit and PJ fit were considered individually. PJ fit had a stronger influence on job seekers only in terms of submitting a job application and accepting a job offer (third stage). This might be an indication that job seekers in second stage were digesting the information they had received from recruiters during the career fair and the interview. Moreover, other job-related information may be exchanged, such as career advancement and monetary compensation, which not only enriches job seekers’ knowledge of the job and the organization but also complicates the decision-making process. This may be why both fit perceptions received higher scores at the second stage compared with the first and third stage, and no significant difference was identified when each perception was considered individually. The results suggest that PJ fit plays a significant role in the decision more than PO fit, which also is consistent with previous findings that PJ fit can better predict recruitment outcomes. However, this does not indicate that PO fit is not important.

In conclusion, each fit perception has its own unique influence on individuals, the current study results supported that PO fit influences an individual’s job choice decision to some degree, just not as much as the PJ fit when each fit perception was considered individually.

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